I have wanted to visit the Ukraine in order to go the site of the worlds worst nuclear disaster in history, Chernobyl, for quite some considerable time now.

Ukraine Flag

Previous planning for this trip has been hounded by expensive flights from airports at the opposite end of the country. So when a RyanAir flight from Manchester to Kiev’s Boryspil International Airport for a round trip price of approx £68 including priority boarding to allow my carry on bag guaranteed access and a window seat for both flights, it had to be done.

A number of people along the way have expressed an interest in making the unusual journey, but many factors came together to make this a solo trip.

With an apartment booked via AIrBnb on Tarasa Shevchenko Boulevard, off Rynok Square in Kiev for four days, and a private tour in to the exclusion zone booked for Thursday 23rd May. This morning the final piece of the puzzle was confirmed when Altai from Kiev Safe Airport Transfers WhatsApp’d me to ensure they had the details correct. I was also able to confirm that I can purchase a SIM card for my Mi-Wi box within the airport, so I’ll be able to be in touch with the outside world.

The most obvious destination on my upcoming trip is the exclusion zone and Chernobyl Nuclear Power Station, but Kiev itself has a number of things that are on the agenda.