Chernóbyl or Chornóby

Let’s start with what may seem a like such a simple thing but, you see a couple of different spellings for this amazing place. What is the correct spelling?

The Ukrainian for the area is Чорнобиль, Chornóbyl, where as the Russian is Чернобыль, Chernóbyl. So depending on your preference each is sort of interchangeable.

The disaster at Chernobyl is classified as a level 7 nuclear event under the International Nuclear Event Scale, but what exactly does this mean. See the page here for full details, but basically its the highest level on the scale (only the event at Fukahsema in 2011 is classified the same). It is a ‘Major Accident, involving a major release of radioactive material with widespread health and environmental effects requiring implementation of planned and extended countermeasures.’